3Sixty Web Tour Maker

3Sixty is a desktop software for creating 360 virtual tour websites. It provides visual tools for adding panorama images, placing hotspots and attaching useful actions to each of them.

Download 3Sixty Virtual Tour Maker for Windows and Mac or Android:

(Oh ya remember to run it as administrator and avoid having white space, dash, number and underscore characters on your project directory path and your working files such as panorama images, etc.)


(Android version is still in maintenance and will be re-published soon)


Here is an example of a 360 virtual tour made with 3Sixty :

Support the Development

This software is completly free. However, I would be happy if you support me with any amount donation to my PayPal account below :


3Sixty Web Tour Maker is proudly made with Electronjs, Panolensjs, Threejs and jQuery